Can we get a newbie forum?


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
I am new to quads, but have 10 years experience on a street motorcycle. I am working on rebuilding a engine on a 1989 Blaster (was my friend's Blaster). This site is great, but there are A LOT of terms I just can't figure out or can't find the explination by searching. For example, WTF is a "240 kit"? This is just one of may examples.

It seems like a valid request since other forums I have been on in the past always have a newbie forum.


240 kit is a "BBK" a.k.a "big bore kit"...blaster stock is a 200, so adding 44 more cc's is major...just chime in and ask what something stands for...thats what this site is for, to help others bro...
Hang in there bro, youll catch on quick. I came in here blind and a couple months later have learned a huge amount, from the great and well versed people that are apart of this forum. I been rebuilding my 89 blasty too and have been through about everything on it. Need help just ask. "The only dumb question is the one thats never asked."
Welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!!
good idea 89, a key terms section, but i dont understand a "newbie" forum, who they gonna ask that knows anything, another newbie???
good idea 89, a key terms section, but i dont understand a "newbie" forum, who they gonna ask that knows anything, another newbie???

lol, good point awk. the blind leading the blind haha. to he OP, just ask away man 99% of the members here are good guys.
damn this would be a good thing to add to my thread. i could have a key terms section.

89custom and everybody,
I just found the above thread last night after my original post. That did help a lot.

Newbie forum may have been the wrong term. A "key terms" is what I am looking for. Somewhere a newbie can go to learn what a "240 kit" is, for example.

I know everyone here is very helpful, but I don't want to see every newbie that comes to the site asking basic questions over and over again. B)

Is there a "key terms" floating around somewhere?
