bye bye blaster


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
i'm selling it to buy a 4x4..... i love mud and venturing off trails (stuff that blasters get stuck doing) i found an 07 rancher 420-----$2900 good deal huh?

in my area 06 blasters go for around $1800-$2600 i'm selling mine for $2000 O.B.O...... gimme your opinions about the rancher.... i need to hear them...

Heres what you can consider doing, try to sell the recon first see what you can get for it, if you don't have enough well you can sell the blaster.
Hope it all works out somehow in the end
hey how bout this dont sell the blaster and we alll make a donation to buy a certain amount of acres and hopefully thats gonna work blaster only track and then for all the other noobs they can just make there own sooo yeah how bout that lol
were gonna have to call you tylerrancher from now on
ok , this is perfect , get a Toyota Prius that the throttle stuck on and slammed into a wall , get the motors off the front wheels and make some custom 4x4 blaster hubs , then rig up a custom 4200v stator , and wala!!!!!! instant 4x4 blaster , damn I'm good ......
hey man u dont wanna get a rancher if you wanna mud for 2 reasons...1st is that it is a straight axle bike meaning u have no ground clearance in the ruts.... that differential will hang u up all the time just like the blasty,2nd theyre kinda weak and you wont be able to run the bigger tires that you will need hince more ground clearance. if you wanna mud u want an independent rear suspension way more ground clearance than the straight axle....i ran a honda 450 foreman with 29.5x12x12 outlaws, snorkels and a whole lotta other mods for several years....i had it tricked out and all the while pissing in the wind with the straight my advise is to hold out for something with indepedent rear suspension and u will be MUCH happier with it...but if you do get the rancher u can run 27 inch outlaws (get the skinny ones) and a high lifter clutch kit and snorkels and u would be off to a start