Business Name?


Sep 4, 2009
Well, as you guys know, I do graphics and stuff. Well, I had an older website (CJ Designs if you recall) and then that moved onto Fearless Labs. Well my friend that helped with Fearless Labs turned on me and so now I am making Fearless Labs a social website and am going to create a site just for my designing. So, I'm trying to figure out a name for it. So here's some of my ideas for brainstorming:

My name is Corey, I'd like a play off of that. Like CoreysCreations or CoreDesigns. But both CoreDesigns is taken and CoreysCreations has a few results online.

I would like design or creations or something like that in the name, because that's what I do. I would say Graphics, but I'm doing more then that now.

Any ideas? It can even be partial, like single words. Thanks guys!
Rock Corey Inc. or Rock Corey Designs. its a play on words, and leaves it open for a lot of symbolism to design with etc.

So what does the winner get?? some free design work or something??
Rotten To The Core Creations

now what do i win????
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here, i was bored today, so i'll give ya a little push in the right direction,
some graffiti font would look cooler, i had it once when i did my avatar, but couldnt find it today

a size large shirt with this on it will do !!!!! hahahaaaa

here, i was bored today, so i'll give ya a little push in the right direction,
some graffiti font would look cooler, i had it once when i did my avatar, but couldnt find it today

a size large shirt with this on it will do !!!!! hahahaaaa


add some kick ass graphics to the background, muhahaha
here, i was bored today, so i'll give ya a little push in the right direction,
some graffiti font would look cooler, i had it once when i did my avatar, but couldnt find it today

a size large shirt with this on it will do !!!!! hahahaaaa


That is really awesome lol.
thanx kronix, now add a better font, maybe a graffiti or sumthin and some of your awsome backround grafix to it
yeah, well this one time at band camp,
i had a watermelon and cut a hole in it...................