burn out

Yeah I get the same way. Only diff is I got burnt out riding my Warrior which is why I got the Blasty. Plus yeah I get tired of riding the same place all the time.
Im burned out from trying to mod my Blaster.Im the type that wants to do it all now.At this time money is slim.so at this time there is not much I can do.That bugs the hell out of me.Im hopeing I can get alot of side jobs this summer so I will have extra money saved up to do a rebuild next winter.
I guess i should have called it, Burnt Out, my bad 305
I'm just tired of the damn thing, little things keep going wrong, All the bolts seem to be working themselves loose. The 6 bolts on the peak got loose and caused a leak on the top end, the rear skid plate fell off, i have one bolt now holding my hood on, the top bolt on the header is gone, and one of the bolts that mounts the exhaust to the motor is stripped out... FML

Maybe i'll get it all together and take it to South Carolina for spring break, anyone know how to haul a quad with a Honda Civic?
it'll get better man, just crank those bolts back in there, use a little blue locktite if you need to
If your not happy with it, why not sell it?

I have WAY to much into it to sell it, and i wouldn't get enough out to get a new one. I might talk to a buddy come summer time about a craptor, by that time i should have the money for it.

He's a burn out video for Mr_305

My girlfriends Dad on his M109r
lol we both got chewed out for this one
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I know how you feel man, I feel the same...

Just don't give up once you fire her up and get to riding it some you'll feel better.

My problem is I can't find anything better in my area, no one is really into sport quads and the people who are hold on to them.

So I'm gonna keep rocking the blaster it does its job, what more can I ask for? Then save some cash ( not put any more cash into it ) and get a bike when I find a half decent one, and go from there.
ive had 11blasters in the past..they did get boring quick BUT i always had diffrent places to ride..then i got my 250r and never went back to a blaster,then went to Shees,and now the Rappy... but yea find diffrent spots..ull enjoy it again.

Oh and use some locktight with some lock washers,ull be all good with the blots man. Or even Nylock nuts,except on the engine.lol
Well they could be cheap blasters. Once again no offense but all you really have is paint work, reeds, a swinger and an exhaust and some other small stuff?

well..... I have the new hood head light and gas tank, i rebuild my first motor, then it blew, bought a new motor, rebuilt its top end, Handle bars, swing arm, chain, Pipe, reeds, paint, 2 different rear shocks, plus the work i had to pay the guy to fix my first motor (i've luckly figured out a lot since then) and yest some other small stuff, but it adds up quickly, it has nickle and dime'd me to death.
I could have two decent blasters