broken bolt advice anyone? (oil injector removal problem)

if you got two nuts that fit the bolt you could use one lock the other like a jam nut to use a socket on it just my 2 cents since I got to pinch what I can.
Kroil beats all of them...

Nd_jat has the winner idea. There is more than enough thread there to work with. There's no need to booger it up with vise grips or slot a darn thing... Go to the hardware store and buy two nuts that fit the bolt. Should be 6mm .075 <- I think

Thread one on and most of the way down. Thread the other on and up against the first. Tighten them down against each other with two wrenches and then use one wrench to turn the inside nut outwards. As long as you turn the inside nut, the outside acts as a jam and the assembly will turn just like a bolt with a head made on it.

Don't just heat the case all willy nilly like either... heat CYCLES is the key. Take a propane torch (plumbers torch) heat the area on the case and then spray the lube of your choice directly onto the bolt threads right where they meet the case. Do this several times, the more the merrier... Each time you heat the aluminum you expand it relative to the steel bolt. Each time you spray lubricant on it you force the space between the two to contract forcing the lubricant to wick into the threads. You can use plain old motor oil as your "penetrating lubricant" if you heat cycle it properly... Once you're at the ready with your wrench, heat cycle it one more time but without oil this time (to keep the aluminum case hot) and turn the inside nut counterclock-wise to thread the bolt out.
You could possibly find two on the machine that fit the threads works in a pinch, only thing you got if in the boondocks.
I tried 2 nuts first, actually... there was no room to turn a wrench in there but it did grab. The whole thing is on hold, as I'm taking the whole thing off. Now my problem is with the swingarm pivot bolt- wow those things are rough. Its out an inch now and spinning free, but I'm not getting anywhere very quickly. I used a car jack to take weight off of the swingarm until the pivot bolt spun the easiest, and I've been pretty much beating and spinning for 2 hours now. If all goes well, I'll have the thing up on a workbench tomorrow AM. This was spost to be a routine injector pump removal and oil change- now I'm in deep.
Anyhow, I can't thank all of you guys enough for the tips- I really appreciate the responses.
as for the pivot bolt, take a long 3/8 sxtension and hammer it through the hole. i use one for a temporary holder for teh swingarm in mockup situations
I am happy to report that this story has a happy ending. All advice in this thread was helpful and useful to anybody with a seriously stuck bolt. Torching in "sessions" slowly, using ATF+acetone, ice cubing the bolt, and only trying to turn a tiny bit at a time finally unstuck it. Thanks a bunch!
Damn, Good job, I hate when simple thing turns into a nightmare! Glad ya got it out with out damage.-slick