Got my f*ckin nose broke yesterday
got punched by a girl wish she was a fck*in lad
couldv kicked the sh*t ou of er X(X(
got punched by a girl wish she was a fck*in lad
couldv kicked the sh*t ou of er X(X(
Wowthat sucks.. i got you beat.... wife got froggy with me a few years ago when we were drinkin.. got punched in the mouth and she removed half of 2 teeth an busted the enamal off parts of 2 others
yeah.. id take a broken nose of busted teef's lol
wife packs a mean punch
nothing havin a argument wit sum1 else then punche me on de sly and sadi i was laughin at her tramp lyk! then thinks were still mates she f*kin nutz or what like :L:L