Broke my nose

yeah an i WAS friends wif er biotch!
got me when wasn even lookin hit me with her phone i think
sum pissed off spent lik 4 hours in hospital thn...
nothing havin a argument wit sum1 else then punche me on de sly and sadi i was laughin at her tramp lyk! then thinks were still mates she f*kin nutz or what like :L:L
hah sorry,,
i didnt do anything she was arguing with another person and then hit me and said i was laughin at her... and adter it she expected us to still be friends is she mad or what!
Well my current first lady of hotness is an angel but I did date a chick that liked to get slappy and punchy.
I got fricken tired of that sh*t and told her if she got the balls to punch me then she is a man.
She did it again and I didn't punch her but pimp slapped the sh*t out of her.
The look on her face after that was like I boned her Mom and killed her cat lol
Good riddance to that girl!
oh wow that sucks...donkey punch that b****...haha. I wouldnt dare raise my hand to a man and i expect the same respect back...besides the mr is like over 6ft and im only 5 ft...that wouldnt end tough...but im not stupid!!