Boyfriend took his Blaster with brand new motor for a swim!

you will probably have a airleak between the reed valves and the cylinder body as well, they always seem to leak there, when you have the carb off again, take loose the reed cage (triangular metal thing with flappy plastic things) and use some gasket sealer from a tube and put in on the face meeting the cylinder as well as the face of the rubber boot as it meets the reed cage face, ie, make sure it seals!

basically, i think, clean the air filter, clean the carb THOUROUGHLY, replace the head gasket and seal the reeds, and you will be good to go.
Ok thanks!!! Getting ready to head down and start the rework on her now!! What should I use to clean the air filter??
Ok so we got it to idle by itself with not having to give it gas! I cleaned the airfilter put another new spark plug in but havent done air leak test yet cuz we cant get the damn TORS unit off the bottom of the carb!! Big screw thingy that looks like it is for sink piping or something wont come undone!! WTF?! Lol It did idle for a few minutes! Yay! But it ended up dying after that, it did fire right up after bout 2-3 kicks though! Think we need a new head gasket too! Gonna try and pick one up before work wednesday if I dont have to have one ordered!!
yes it would be good to change the head gasket. It is not neccesary to unscrew the carb cap (sink like thing) to do a leak test, simply remove the carb from the black rubber boot it fits into on the engine side. However, you will need to get it open to clean the carb PROPERLY, loosen the little screw holding the retainer bracket, then try, if its very tight, use a pipe wrench or a bit priers to grasp it and to turn with. try not to let it slip and gouge the alloy tho. you need the carb off on a workbench with some clean fuel and a small paintbrush in a clean tub on some newspaper. a small pipe of 3-4mm hose is also good to blow through air and fuel ways and clear then. you should be able to lick the thing before it goes back in.
i had a hard time getting my carb off when i 1st learned about blasters too. but taking it will be a breeze eventually. also keep in mind that when u DO get the cap off that little black line on the carb with the metal clip on it will confuse the sh*t outta u too. i was asking ppl how to get it off and NO ONE was helping me. one suggested i clip it off and get a new one. (wtf?!) so, THAT line is the oil feed line. the metal clip will twist right off then the lone comes off. simple. (took me a while to figure that one out o_O) and get Q tips to clean the float valves too. i used to toothpaste to clean that part. the rest of the carb i used carb cleaner
ah yes, the oil feed, it is quite terrible to get off, use a small flat screw driver to sort of lever it off if possible. a quixk blast with a heat gun is the best way tho!

In case you are wondering, the thin black oil feed line comes from the right of the motor or kicker side (sitting on the bike) and runs up to the kicker side of the carb, you may not notice it to start with but dont just yank it, you must get off nicely and DO NOT forget to put it back on or else you will have a siezed motor in no time.

once you have cleaned the carb and all is clean and assembled, there is a brass screw on the left of carb visable from the outside. turn it in all the way gently until it stops (dont force it) then back it out about 2 full turns (720 degrees) this is important in getting the idle right. when backing it out, count the turns in halves. so it should take about 4 turning motions to get it to 2 turns out

keep us posted
when fitting the new head gasket, do so carefully and make sure the mating surfaces of the head and barrel and spotless, not grit or mud/dust etc. use a razor blade (box knife blade) to scrape the carbon off and maybe even use a piece of 600 grit sandpaper etc

when tightening the 6x head bolts, do so in stages in a alternating pattern. as in the pic...


if you can, use a torque wrench and tighten them in stages up to 27Nm, start with about 10Nm al round then increase to 20Nm then finally to 27Nm moving in the pattern shown in the pic
Ok will do guys!!!! Thanks soooooo much for all the help! You guys are fantastic!!!! Il let you kno how it goes!!!!
Got the 2000 Blaster running!!!!! It runs awesome, kicks over first kick, idles great and rides better than it did before Todd ( boyfriend) thinks!!!! I took it for a spin and its seems to ride great to me too, everything seems to work fine! Though the front brakes squeek loudly, that didnt happen before the swim..... But shes running and ready to ride!! Yay! Thanks so much for all the help and guidance!!! It EXTREMELY appreciated!!! Gonna go riding tomorrow!!!! Havent been for 2 weeks cuz of the dunk, super stoked about going!!! Thanks again guys!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad ya got it together and running! I haven't been out in a month, got the itch soo bad but just waiting on the coil, then I'll be out!