
New Member
Mar 17, 2008
Miami, FL
As you all know BOTM is now taking place. There are a few worthy opponents. But please do me a favor and vote for my bou Blaster195, The one with the Black Blasty SE.
You gotta admit though, that all black is pretty sick. I:I
you mean the guy who is PM'ing members begging for votes on his completely stock ATV? to me, begging for votes in PM is cheating and should be taken out of the running. I'm sorry, but thats not what BOTM is for. its not a popularity contest or a who has the most $$$ contest. its for the members to choose the bike they think looks the best. even making a thread to gain votes about it is completely wrong in every way. stop trying to rig the contest and let people vote on the bike of their liking.
Rigging is when you forcefully change the results for your own benefit.

I don't see whats wrong with a little advertising. Never hurt the competition.

Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for anything, but will always bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
im fukin leaving this forum evrything i possible do is wrong i post a vid and there 100 people talking about the way i ride i want to win botm a little more than everyone else does. w/e man im gettting tired of this and my quad f*ck a blaster
do something to your blaster. its all stock and like bran new. BOTM is for customization. and why you flippin out. people talking trash over the internet? ask them for a video of themselfs riding, maybe there terible. just think about it and ignore the people being idiots.
yeah dude, on a couple other 4x4 forums i'm on they vote for the most modded rig... rarely will a stocker get the vote unless it's an 84 that was restored to showroom quality... point and place no reason to freak out cuz not everyone is jumpin in to vote for a nice shiny new bike.
do something to your blaster. its all stock and like bran new. BOTM is for customization. and why you flippin out. people talking trash over the internet? ask them for a video of themselfs riding, maybe there terible. just think about it and ignore the people being idiots.

i would love to be able to post a vid out in the dunes on my blaster. but, im stuck on a floating prison in the persian gulf waiting for the govt to tell me i can go blow stuff up and kill terrorists.
I dont see anything majorly wrong with asking people to vote for you...but how could you enjoy the title as botm knowing you petitioned a vote? I'd just prefer to win or lose for that matter knowing its my quad that got the votes not me.
im fukin leaving this forum evrything i possible do is wrong i post a vid and there 100 people talking about the way i ride i want to win botm a little more than everyone else does. w/e man im gettting tired of this and my quad f*ck a blaster

lol AHHHHHHHhhhh! Nobody finds this as hillarious as me!?! The kid is gonna have a f*ckin' break down if he doesnt win BOTM. Ill buy your stock blaster off you for 800 bucks=))

P.S.-And that is pretty lame PMing people and begging them to vote for you.