Do you have a flywheel puller? If so than pull the flywheel to make sure the woodruf key hadn't sheered off.
Remember,, To try and one circuit at a time, the main jet has nothing to do with idle or start up. The main kicks in at 3/4 to full throttle. The airscrew and pilot are up to 1/4 throttle, the needle jet (not the needle itself but the brass tube it slides in) is about 1/8 to about 34 throttle, then the actual needle for just under 1/4 to just over 3/4 throttle then the main at 3/4 to full. As you can see there are quite a few overlapping jetting circuits from 0-1/4 throttle. Make sure carb is cleaned very well and you can see light through all the jets. Make sure float height is correct also.
This should also help you out.
It wont hurt to also check that your silencer is free flowing and that there isn't any blockage in there. Critter nest,,, gobbed with oil, broken reed, etc...