Bolts N Nuts??????????


New Member
Nov 10, 2008
Baltimore, Md
dOES NE ONE NO OF A PLACE THAT I CAN LOOK UP parts like on the oem that will tell me the bolt size and thread pitch. All of the sites I found just say bolt and the part #
easiest think I can think of would be to take the bolts to the hardware store and just match them up. use a nut to make sure that you have the propper pitch. Or, look on Ebay and they sell bolt kits for the blasters that pretty much replaces every single bolt on the quad.
The bolts that hold foot pegs in I have nerf bars and my pegs were a lil loose so the threads in there now are a lil f*cked up I just want to recut them to freshen em up but i dont know if they are a 10 by 1.25 or 1.50 cause new bolts that size are still not wanting to go in easily and I dont want to damage them ne more then they are
I would like a cross reference also, thers is a lot of bolts that have the correct thread and pitch but what about length. I'm looking a new 180 peice bolt and nut set and there is 6 bolts same thread, pitch and size that only differ in 3/16" in length.
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