Boing, Boing!!


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
Need help with my front suspension. I have a + 4 swingarm with ex400 rear shock on the rear. Thanks YB. Love it!! I have banshee shocks on the front and they are definitely up to the task of serious whoop di doos!! Are there any yamaha shocks that will get er done or am I in need of a set of works shocks? I keep telling myself i am on a budget!!
I was hoping for a mirical i guess!! I lost a set of works shocks last night by 1 cent!! called works today to discuss setup for 155 lbs. I was hoping to find something comparable on e bay.
hmm, i may have to pull the fronts off my sled and see if they actually work (I have the same shocks basically as those posted). Expect a small write up!