

May 24, 2010
only took 20mins,i went down to 240 paper...i might do the whole throttle ass tomorrow.. is there any other cool places for this apart from the clutch cover?? and does it rust? thanks.. dunno which section to post this in soo lool
nothing rusts... as long as you dont let water and air touch it... but its aluminum it wont rust out just get dirty and then you polish it all over again
thanks guys! i kinda wanna do the clutch cover but i dont wanna take it off as i dont wanna get new gaskets any tips on how to make it easier to get at?(just the circle)
good thing is its a two stroke so flipping it on its side dont screw up nothing so yeah this will be the one time you will roll it on the side and not regret it
240grit? that is normally what i start out with when sanding. once you get some finer grit that baby will look good.
you can also do the levers too, like shifter, foot brake, hand brake and clutch.
looking good man, now take a nap, get some finer grit paper, a 6 pack, and have some more fun and make it gleam.
it might, best to make sure you keep it clean and just wax it every now and then. just wipe the water off after you clean it after you ride. best to never leave dirt on a quad.