blasty got impounded =[


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
so i just got news that when my friend was riding my blasty to my house for me [i left it there] he got chased by police . . . my quad got impounded and all i have is the bill of sale . . . do i need anythin more than that in mass?
well i dont know what you need to get it back but i do know one thing......tell your friend he is an idiot and tell him he should be the one paying to get it out
ik =[ i left the quad over his house this morning and he volunteered to bring it back to my house for me. he is paying half . . . on top of his court fees
A member on here had the same thing happen to him. I believe he said he bought his atv from Indiana were they don't give titles. And they gave it back to him. Try to search it because I'm not 100% sure what state it was.

PS. Tell your friend stop being a pussy and run!
well my buddy is probably getting off with community service . . the cops havent caught me yet but the place where he got chased is a hot spot. the funny thing is the quad does look stolen at the moment [i hav it hot wired because i couldnt find the key the other day] and theres disconnected wires from the TORS hangin out. but i think im going to pick it up soon. the guy who towed it said as long as i can prove its mine he can release it
hahaha he did run he made good progress but he was taking the turn onto the street that the trails lead onto he said the cop hit him but idk about that
this should be a lesson to all of us to write bills of sales, even if they're fake, with our names and vin #'s on them, just incase ours get stolen or picked up by the cops. I like to take pictures of my sh1t to..... thats good proof right? " look, officer, heres a pic of my a$$ on the bike / quad in question!"
Anyway, are you going to pick it up today? You seem nervous about going to get it? lol
Well then you could be lookin at a hard time. You should have had the VIN on the bill of sale and Had the previous owner sign stating that is the correct numbers .. Id deff take a picture of you on it with ya. But the VIN is how they identify the bike and if they cant make a match who knows what there gonna say.
they gave the bike back i showed them that i had 2 keys to the ignition and they wrote down my moms info. but my tierod is snapped, my brake levers are bent, my bumpers bent [more than it already was], and i think my steering stem is bent from the tierod getting yanked . . . the cop hit the quad with the car and made it flip =[