blastphemous, blast and blue, blastoff


New Member
Apr 27, 2014
gonna have kor work up a mild build motor in the high 20's low 30's hp range and do a full rebuild this winter from the ground up. are any of these names taken already? i saw blastosaurus was already used. i plan on a full powder coat job on the bike (got a buddy with a powder coat shop, free work cha ching) and i know i want a blue theme because i'm a yamaha man through and through and i love that yamablue. Do you guys have any build ideas that can steer me in a direction? this is my first blaster and i wanna do it right. i'm looking for something unique that's eye catching.
The mind boggles at what one can do to the humble Blaster.

With a little dollars it can be made to smoke much larger cc machines.

It's shape lends itself to a myriad of designs and colours.

What about Blueblasterous for a name if you are going with that colour. Or something like that, even Blastersourousblue.

Use your imagination, it is your choice!

You ask a question on BF and just about all of the replies will point you in the correct direction.

Welcome and looking forward to posting with you.
Blastadon is taken. I haven't a clue if anyone else is using the name, but it's on the wife's Blaster in 1/2" letters lol.

I don't care though, use it if you want.

A yamablue frame with white plastics looks really, really good.
The blastard son of a banshee? Bluenasterous is pretty sweet. I am gonna take some pictures of it when i get home so you guys can see the start point.

one un molested blaster for your viewing pleasure. this is the start point for the build. the two front runner names are Bluenasterous and Blatspheomer
Master Blaster. In the military, there is a guy called a Forward Observer. He's the guy that determines the location, type, quantity, and repetition of Field Artillery fire, as well as naval fire, rotary wing support, and fixed wing support. Basically, all this dude does is looks out around him and says, "I don't want there to be any more life in that area over there", and he gets on the radio and it happens within a minute or so.

When in training, the guy that gets the most rounds fired as fast and as accurately as possible gets the title "Master Blaster." There is only one Master Blaster per class and once you get it, the title is yours forever.

What it amounts to is that a Master Blaster f*cks sh*t up in mass quantities. Hence my vote for Master Blaster.
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Master Blaster is now a 3rd for the top of the list. I got an email today from ken oconner and the cost on the engine is going to be less than i thought it would be. So the build start schedual will be moved up a bit. right now i am thinking a black and blue theme. My thought on the frame is pearl black with yamaha blue splatter on it and yamaha blue a arms with black pearl splash.