Blaster Won't start


New Member
Jun 16, 2013
Monticello, AR
I rebuilt my 99 blaster with all stock parts. Auto-oiler has been taken off. The blaster ran fine and then while riding my 3 year old it stuck wide open. The throttle didn't seem to be stuck, but wouldn't rev down. I cut the key off and the engine kill switch and it was still running. after hitting the throttle it died. There was some smoke coming from between the carb and reed valves. Now it won't start. Can someone give me an idea of what could be wrong?
fuel level in float bowl too low from cracked float or poorly adjusted float height.
dirty/clogged jets in carb,
poor fuel supply from clogged petcock screens in the tank.

all of the above will cause a very lean conditon and the engine can run on, even after killing the ignition.

frayed/stuck throttle cable,
slide in carb stuck/installed without the pin and groove aligned,
broken/cracked reeds