Blaster Trail Ride (kinda long)

YZ Otis

Sep 24, 2007
Oregon coast
Here's a ride around our home trail with a couple of Blasters. Our Great Grape 240 & our YZ250. This is an easy 10 minute run. When ya get down around 7 minutes ya get sweaty. The hybrid 250 easily handles tight steep trails. Even on methanol it will lug around without loading up or fouling. We thought our trail was about 3/4 mile but the new Trail Tech Vapor says its 1 1/4 miles. Sorry about the camera angle. My wife happened to be there to watch her Son crash and says we can't tape the camcorder to his helmet anymore. We ordered a helmet cam tonight. Heh,Heh. Do better next time.

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Vid works for me.

The 250 sure sounds good on meth :D great job again on the build.
Don't know what's up with the link. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Tried loading it again but no change. They're just pokin around. The turbine core makes it sound real tame. It's sneaky :D It'll get around that trail about 4 min quicker when it trys & don't crash :)

For his buddies that just want to see him crash it's at 5:45min.
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Cool vid...real nice trail. You kept making me want to put my head up like i could change the angle of the camera LOL. Post another ride with the camera at a better angle. Good job none the less...