blaster runs great for 15 min then revs out


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
i bought a blaster the needed a piston rebuit the bike good compression, runs great for 15minutes then it revs up like it is going to blow up and the kill switch wont work like its diselin, any sugestions
sounds like she is getting hot and keeps firing without the spark.....whats the jetting and the mods on the bike
sounds like she is getting hot and keeps firing without the spark.....whats the jetting and the mods on the bike

^^I think yb's right. This problem is probably why the engine blew up on the previous owner in the first place. I'd immediately pull the flywheel and check the key that holds it in place on the crakshaft. If your ignition timing is off due to a sheared or missing flywheel key, the engine can overheat and experience this problem.

Another possible (though rare) problem (provided that your carburetor jetting is set properly) could be a defective CDI box. The CDI box varies the igntion timing as the engine revs for smoother RPM changes, but I have heard of CDI boxes getting 'locked' with the timing curve stuck in full advance at all RPM's. If this happens, the engine will quickly overheat, detonate, and you'll have another bad top end on ur hands... If if doubt, change it out with a known-good part and re-check. You can verify that the timing advance/retard function of the CDI is working with a strobe-type timing light and a couple index marks...
fly wheel is good and cdi is good borrowed from a friend, my jetting is 260 main and dg pipe ,pro circ silencer, holes in airbox cover, stripped all the wiring 4 wires from stator no tors system, it runs great the revs up when parked. maybe the tors is fd what i did was snipped all the wirers out of the harness for tors and snipped at the throttle and the switch at top of carb and eliminated the box above the cdi box
Lasxgames ..agreed 100% running out of fuel +1 great advice!!!I:I

petcock could be dirty, fuel cap vent pluged or maybe terrible air leak on left crank seal

check for white plug....are you sure your not running dry gas???:o
Had that happen to me on a dirtbike once, running like crazy and couldn't kill it. For me, it was simply the pilot air screw was set too lean. Adjusted it to get a nice idle and all was good.