Blaster problem


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
Ok I get spark i got good compressin... Problem starts here starts right up when cold get it running try to take off then it just falls on its nose i get going and come to a stop it dies but when i go it runs like a raped ape i have no clue whats worng
Yeah the carb is cleaned and newer plug and it runs good with full throttle all the others seems like it wants to die
Yeah the carb is cleaned and newer plug and it runs good with full throttle all the others seems like it wants to die

did you take the carb all apart when u cleaned it? sounds like a dirty pilot jet or maybe your petcock is clogged some? does it flow freely when u take the gas line off your carb? what about the tors? is it removed?
Did you loctite the reeds in?
Throttle Overide System, the big block on top of the carb.
IMO doesn't sound like a TORS problem, pull the carb and reeds, clean the carb and check the reeds.
ok what are tors and i just put new reeds in it i got

i doubt its your problem but its always worth removing.. its that weird thing on top of your carb, its a piece of junk system that causes tons of problems.. i belive on a older machine all you have to do is take the hood off and find the little box (not the CDI the other one) and unplug it. did u have your pilot jet out when u cleaned your carb? just spraying carb cleaner in there is not good enough
yeah i understand that lol i was just checking to see what the tors is but ill check tonight when i get home ill try that and clean carb out
yeah i understand that lol i was just checking to see what the tors is but ill check tonight when i get home ill try that and clean carb out

just make sure you take the jets out and clean them good mearly spraying the inside with carb cleaner is not good enough
got home took off reeds i left the plastic on them hahahaha but still i put different reeds in runs fine i think those carbon flex vito reeds are A PILE OF sh*t
Ok wait, did you use the old gasket at the reed cage? rather use a new one or use gasket maker (Heat resistant silicone).

If you have and its still not working then follow my next steps.

Lets start this all over.

- Take off the Carb

- Clean the airfilter again if you have done it still clean again, it wont hurt :)

- Strip and clean all jets and small holes including your air fuel mix screw and choke etc

- Take off the Fuelcock and clean it

- Take off the reed cage cleen everything and reinstall the reeds making sure they are FLUSH with the cage

- remove the spark plug and clean it or replace if possible/necessary

- clean the electrical joints at the coil etc and the ones comming from your stator

- when you are ready to put everything back together, turn the airfuel mix screw all the way in then start at 1.5 turns out (1 full revolution + 1/2 revolution)

- just before you try start the bike check if you getting a healthy spark!

- turn your idle screw all the way in and then turn it out bit for bit untill you get the bike to start

Let us know if this still doesnt work and guys if I missed something please add!