Blaster has no spark?!

Jun 15, 2015
San Antonio
So i just purchased a 2001 blaster an it started up fine but would not idle so i begin to remove the TORS system an cleaned the carb which really made the bike run well in Neutral an i also got it to idle real well but once you put it in gear it was like there was a rev limiter engaging, so i shut it down an begin to notice fuel was leaking from the overflow so i tryed to fire it up an nothing, have yet to break down the carb yet, its got quite a bit of compression an i have disabled the e-brake sensor an put in a colder heat range of plug, i pulled the plug aswell an gave it a few kicks an held the plug to the head studs an no spark any suggestions would be appreciated!
are you sure it is a 2001? They did not start with the emergency brake sensor till 2003. If you actually have an 03 the tors removal is a little more involved than unplugging it.
Yea im going to put the br8es back in an yes this did have the e brake sensor aswell does my uncles 1998 blaster, yea i thought it was a ground but i didnt disable or move any wiring on the harness i even just unplugged all the tors system, my stator is also really corrodide but the bike fired up its just when i shut it down it if wouldnt start again like it was flooded, is there a way to disable the kill switch to see if thats my problem? Again the wiring harness hasent been cut at all so im stumped
I would like to add it did run great in Nuetral with the colder range of plug so i dont think its the plug, it idled an ran fine for 5 mins then i shut her down cause when you put it in gear it was like there was a rev limiter an after that no more fire im stumped lol
So i have an update yall! So i blew compressed air into my stator an blew out a bunch of debris then sprayed the stator with wd-40 an BOMB shes allive!!! So with that being said i think i just need to clean up my stator.. Anyways thank yall for the suggestions!