blaster bro injured

88' blaster

New Member
Sep 18, 2010
new castle pa
so i have been facebook a lot this past few days and i just noticed that one of our good friends Paul York or 98blasterboy got a pretty bad injury while racing his 450 i assume. one of his status being "Well my back is officially broken. Have a compacted spine, compact fractured L1 vertabre, concussion, and possibly some other back related injuries. InHamot Medical Center UPMC Nuerological Unit for at least 2 days. Wish me luck :("

so i figured he is out now and i assume his family has incredible medical bills to pay so i figured why not have the old blaster bros chip in and help out! after all his is still one of us
Damn man, that's too bad... hope he has a quick and speedy recovery. Wonder how we can help him...
Lets see, here in our hospital in the city the billing is $3000 a day for out of country patients. $5 goes no-where bro.
Sorry to say. And I am truly sorry to say that.

I live in Canada. I have lived a very active lifestyle. I have broken bones and smashed myself up on occasion, sometimes my fault, sometimes it just happened. I go to the hospital, they fix me up. If it is minor, I wait in line, if it was major, they rushed me in and doctors worked on me into the night to fix me up. The cost to me? Nothing. Really, nothing.

I was not left with piles of debt to pay off medical bills. I did not have to make choices like "cut off the fingers, I cannot afford to fix them". I went through recovery and rehabilitation paid for by my country and got on with my life. My medical care was first rate, excellent doctors, excellent staff. I healed. In time I returned the favour, served my country, pay my taxes and even today return what my country did for me by serving in Ground Search And Rescue as an unpaid volunteer.

I have lived and worked in the US. You have the greatest country in the world dude, I have been around enough to see it, the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD but your country has no heart. You have no compassion for the sick and destitute. I hear "I worked for mine, they can work for theirs!". Yeah, I felt that way when I was 30 too. I felt I paid too much in taxes and why couldn't everyone work as hard as I did.

I started a taxi company. Anyone can be a taxi driver, right?
I saw sincere guys who wanted to work but just didn't get it. They were unemployable, and yet had kids and family.
What do you do with them?

If you do not take care of your brothers, you still pay.
You pay for the crime, the welfare for crippled people, looking after the stupid, the coroners and police to keep you safe.
It is better to live where people are healthy and well educated.

I don't know how to fix things, but I do know that socialized medical care works, my life is a testament to it.
I do know that if you care about your fellow man you will see that anyone and everyone is cared for like the good Samaritan did in the Bible.
Your country is not the greatest in the world until it starts caring about its own people. You have to get political about this.

I pray that your brother gets good treatment and that he heals, but you have to do more than that.
You have to demand that your government looks after its people's health and education.
Then you have to pay your taxes, happily knowing you are sharing in the right thing.

I'll get off my soapbox. It could happen to any of us. We have to look out for each other. God bless.
Unfortunate sh*t bro hope he makes it out in the long run!!!

And "best" its cut throat here because we have a lot of people unfortunately in this country who either dont belong and steal jobs/public aid assistance or just plain dont want to work and dont they breed like rabbits and collect a check.I dont think i need to go into great detail if youve been here as you say you caught on real quick no ones that naive or blind not even foreigners lol

The truth is i feel as you described about the whole "I WORKED AND SO CAN THEY" thats how it is and how it should be.I too like you get awesome healthcare and it too is free to me its called TRICARE you get it when you do something every snot nosed punk should have to do at 18 and thats join the military!They even pay for your education.Facts are that theres a lot here that are the way they are due to being lazy and unproductive and then theres those that actually deserve or need the assistance and have earned it like veterans instead its given to people who arent legal or doing a damned thing to help themselves makes sense huh?

I personally think we are weak and that if you want to live here and enjoy the benefits you can earn them fight and protect your family,country,and rights then maybe they wont be so abused by worthless low lifes.
Hope he makes a full recovery! If you start a collection let me know!

And yes- we care about our people, what other country can you go to with nothing, barely speak the language, or make up your version of the language and collect a WELFARE check and discover the more babies you have the bigger the check!

This country is awesome, however the people who are govern it are useless, just as they are in any country.

Come to america, live free???? Bullshit! If you work, they take a third of your pay, then everything u buy is taxed so your left with crap! The drug dealers figured this out, and as much as it pisses me off to see them in ther navigators/escalades, while there babies momma's are collecting a welfare check and living in the projects- They are the smart ones!

Not to mention the guys who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving this country, to come home and struggle to find a job, or to live with some mental issues for the rest of thier lives, see it all the time, If feel bad for the veterans of this country!

It's a shame how the Political poeple run this place! They have no worries free healthcare, free gas, free everything and on top of that a fat ass paycheck of six figures or more!

I wouldn't help one of those muthers, if they were getting ass raped by bubba in an alley! Death to all of them is the only way!
hope he feels better, I can feel this turnin into a debate about the country.. that being said... what the USA needs is another revolution, yesterday was the 4th of July, they day the declaration was signed. we fought the British to make ourselves free from taxes and being governed by cut throat people less than 200 years later it was back to the same thing just we are now being taxed and governed by "our" own people. we can't do anything in this country without being " in trouble",

I have no drivers license if I drive from my house 20 feet up the road on a lawnmower to mow my neighbors lawn and say I got pulled over, bam off to the clink for driving without a license, our country is going down the sh*tter, and fast. look at our veitnam vets, they came home and got spit on, beat up, etc. yea we totally care about our people.

budget_blaster- when I was 18 I wanted to join the military I was all signed up ready to go, than I thought... do I really want to fight for a country that cares more about illegals than they do their own "countrymen" the government has there hands on everything and if I had joined I wouldn't have been able to get tattoos while enlisted because I would be destroying "government property" , f*ck that I can go die for you but I can't smoke a joint or drink or even get a damn tattoo this country is great, no disagreements there. but WTF it still sucks idk rant over I could go all day on this sh*t -Dan