bike smokes alot vid

whats it smell like?? does it smell like your normal fuel/ oil premix???.. if not that crank seal..

if in doubt, mix a tiny amount of your fuel/oil pre mix, and some of the same oil you have in your trans up, and take a torch to it on the ground or in a metal can and smell it, if thats the smell of your exhaust there is your problem
whats it smell like?? does it smell like your normal fuel/ oil premix???.. if not that crank seal..

if in doubt, mix a tiny amount of your fuel/oil pre mix, and some of the same oil you have in your trans up, and take a torch to it on the ground or in a metal can and smell it, if thats the smell of your exhaust there is your problem

interesting. i wana try that. for some reason, to me, it doesnt seem like it would be the same since theres a specific air/fuel mix that would probably be different. who knows, ima try it.
yeah true about certain a/f mix BUT with the trans oil in there. if you fire it up with a torch, your still gonna get the smell of the trans oil in there, so if it smells like the smoke from the exhaust there is your problem,

i know some oils are funny... the polaris blue we ran in the wifes trail boss and the pro honda hp2 i run in my stuff gives a tint of blue color to the exhaust smoke.. but adistinctive smell... good smell but you know waht your burning
doesnt smell right really, i used to love the smell of the klotz burning doesnt smell like it used to..

yeah man bad crank seal for sure. smells bad + that white smoke. ive heard that if you unscrew the tranny oil plug and it has a bad crank seal, it revs up. im not saying do it, but if you want you could try that. would probably spray and idk what else it would do but makes sence, it'll suck alot more air.
also i noticed it blows the smoke after i rev it when its comming back down i dont know if that makes a diffrence or not..

also i run av gas normally in this vid im running 93 octane would that make it smoke that much more?
explain what? how to change the seal?

you pull off the clutch cover

take off the clutch assembly(been awhile since i rebuilt so im going to say, see if you can do it without taking apart the clutch because its quite the pain)

then just take off the gears off the crank and the seals behind there. theres a bushing/spacer or whatever between the seal and crank that is in there so you can pull that out to get the seal out easier. forgot to mention, theres a bearing keeper on there, just the 1 screw, pull er off.



also take note of the 2 dots when re-assembling, must be lined up.
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no dude. thats alot of smoke and white and you said it smells bad. 3 signs man. do a leakdown test if your not sure, kind of anyoing to do but if you dont think its the seal dude...
The seal is an easy fix. takes about half hour to 45 min. If you do a search of my name i had the same prob and i posted a vid and it looks just the same as yours.
Yea that ebay link looks to be the seal you need. you can get OEM yamaha for just a few dollars more. the other kit may have been a full gasket kit.