BigBoyBlasters Small Build

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Sep 20, 2010
Sewage Drain
Well guys its official. Im starting a small rebuild next week. For xmas I got a banshee axle, Ken O'Connor Redesigned Cylinder Head (courtesy of Whitty21), and a Jaws front bumper. Within the next 2 weeks. My dad and I are taking the blaster to where he works (an airport). Since his job involves things such as working on the company vehicles, His shop has EVERYTHING from paints to torque wrenches to bench grinders and I can go on. Stuff were doing:
Repainting all the cast = silver.The Jug, stator cover, and clutch cover = gloss black.
Ken O'Connor Redisigned Cylinder Head.
Rejetted Carb
Everything Else
A-arms = candy blue. Swinger= Candy blue. Frame=candy blue
Custom Air Scoops.
Blue/Black PowerMadd handguards
Banshee Axle
Hoping to be finished my the summer. Stuff I have now:

EDIT: Unfortanately, build will not start until this spring. Im going to add the banshee axle and redisigned cylinder head only right now. Doing everything next spring probably march.
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cool project you're planning man, i hope it all works out like you want! i'm trying to get mine done by spring...

i demand pics along the way! and on that shee axle, ditch the junk double-jam nut setup and get a nice locking axle nut
cool project you're planning man, i hope it all works out like you want! i'm trying to get mine done by spring...

i demand pics along the way! and on that shee axle, ditch the junk double-jam nut setup and get a nice locking axle nut

hahaha ok I will man... and on the pics, Im a camera finattic so pics will be constant. Thanks
Thread is re-opened. Ive got the build planned out now and pretty close to the start. I dont know if I will be able to get VF3's yet. Mainly focused on the "Looks" of the blaster. I'm going to go with:

My top priorities are to get the O'Connor Redisigned head installed, The axle installed, Spacers up Front, and the yfz fenders. As well as the painted frame, swinger, a arms, and engine. Hopefully be done by Fall of 2011
Thread is re-opened.

My top priorities are to get the O'Connor Redisigned head installed, The axle installed, Spacers up Front, and the yfz fenders. As well as the painted frame, swinger, a arms, and engine. Hopefully be done by Fall of 2011

cool man dont be shy with the pics along the way B) what colors are you doing for the frame and arms?
cool man dont be shy with the pics along the way B) what colors are you doing for the frame and arms?

Frame and the A-arms are going to be Royal Blue.... If you scroll down about mid page you'll see a "Royal Blue" painted M16 or M4. I have a strong feeling that firearm paint will be tough due to the roughness they go through. Stuffs expensive too.
Well due to money issues, I cannot afford enough firearm paint for my frame and a-arms etc. Its just wayyyyy too expensive for the little 4oz. cans. So unfortunately that leaves me no other option except a rattle can. Rustoleum, some sort of candy blue. I'm going to do like 6 coats of it, then 3 of clear (obviously primered before painted) So thats the current situation. Should have the blaster stripped down within 2-3 weeks. I'll update this as I go. Here is what I most likely will be ordering:
Rustoleum is like 3.50 a can at wallyworld. One can will do one decent coat on the frame (just the bare frame, no arms or swinger). Rustoleum makes a Metallic Blue that looks great. I would have used it on the frame of my 01 if I had painted it. Heres a pic of a clutch cover I painted with it.

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