Big rider, I NEED ROOM!!!


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
i love my blaster to death but the problem is that im pretty ginormous. im 6'4" and 220 pounds. do they make handlebar risers or any mods that might help for bigger guys like me?
Cut the front fenders or get ones like in my sig.. alot more knee room and it will seem and the extended stem
Raising my handle bars with an extra set of bar clamps worked well for me.
cut or remove the front fenders and move the back fenders back 2 inches. i used stock handle bar clamps flipped upside down for my risers. i only had one problem. bars slipped one time but not alot. i cranked the sh*t out of them and havent had a problem since
I raised my bars with a extra set of bar clamps i got from ebay and it only raised it about 1" and after shipping and buying longer bolts i spent almost enough to get this Tusk Handlebar Riser Kit | Rocky Mountain ATV/MC So when i made a order to Rocky Mountain i added a Tusk Handlebar Riser Kit to the order and got free shiping for a order over $99.woohoooI:I And the maier race front will give you more leg room...
How much and where can I buy a banshee steering stem? and @79 Bronco, do you think it would be possible to throw the clamps on plus the Tusk riser? that would be a solid way to get 2 inches
another trick (if you have a welder) is to drop the pegs a little bit, that way your legs aren't over the tank lol
yea, get a set of used cheap pegs and cut them then relocate them 1" down and 3/4" back. Makes it much roomier!
I got to big for my blaster and found a banshee for cheep, its alot bigger, but basically the same thing. Rides the same feels the same, almost looks the same. I got one needing a cylinder for 450. I love my blasters too, still ride em, just more room on my stock banshee!
I got to big for my blaster and found a banshee for cheep, its alot bigger, but basically the same thing. Rides the same feels the same, almost looks the same. I got one needing a cylinder for 450. I love my blasters too, still ride em, just more room on my stock banshee!
A shee, even with a missing cylinder for $450.00. Doesn't matter what year, it's worth well more then that! What was that dude on?

if you do get a banshee stem it needs turned down in a lathe
Who was the guy who had the blaster w/ alot of banshee parts on it? "Blanshee" I wonder if he still does it, but anyone with a lathe or if your desperate a bench grinder... lmao, I get tickled just thinking of what goes on in some peoples backyards.

End threadjacking.
lmao I dont think I would do anything that extensive. If I could do risers+ the reversed clamps Id be perfect, Idk if you can do that though
How much and where can I buy a banshee steering stem? and @79 Bronco, do you think it would be possible to throw the clamps on plus the Tusk riser? that would be a solid way to get 2 inches

You probably can double them up but i dont know how safe that would be... If you are looking for 2" of rise you can try this Rox Speed FX 2" Handlebar Risers | Rocky Mountain ATV/MC It will rise it 2" and you will be able to rock the bars forward to get more room...