A shee, even with a missing cylinder for $450.00. Doesn't matter what year, it's worth well more then that! What was that dude on?I got to big for my blaster and found a banshee for cheep, its alot bigger, but basically the same thing. Rides the same feels the same, almost looks the same. I got one needing a cylinder for 450. I love my blasters too, still ride em, just more room on my stock banshee!
Who was the guy who had the blaster w/ alot of banshee parts on it? "Blanshee" I wonder if he still does it, but anyone with a lathe or if your desperate a bench grinder... lmao, I get tickled just thinking of what goes on in some peoples backyards.if you do get a banshee stem it needs turned down in a lathe
How much and where can I buy a banshee steering stem? and @79 Bronco, do you think it would be possible to throw the clamps on plus the Tusk riser? that would be a solid way to get 2 inches