picked up a '92 lt250r the other day I:I this makes for lt #3
the guy i bought it from said he put an additive in the gas and it never ran afterward and sat for a year. got it home and cleaned out the carb and put fresh gas in and she fired right up
plastics look faded in the pics but there actually not, just needs a little bath I:I
plastics are mint
dual rate Works with remote rezzies up front
rear shock revalved by Works
currenty unknown brand exhaust system
Lonestar +2 axle
DG nerf bars
DG bumper
Renthal bars
Powermadd handguards

plastics are mint
dual rate Works with remote rezzies up front
rear shock revalved by Works
currenty unknown brand exhaust system
Lonestar +2 axle
DG nerf bars
DG bumper
Renthal bars
Powermadd handguards