it's amazingly expensive lmfao. I make almost $40/hr and am looking at the bottom of the barrel, cheapest possible houses that're super ratty it sh*t neighborhoods and I'm still IFY that I'll even get a loan. and have crap for a down payment lol
the fish is an Awa or milkfish, they are super soft meat and make great fish burgers when marinaded in teriyaki sauce (not sure if you guys know what that is tho lol) good fish burgers regardless but I like the shoyu (aloha brand soy sauce) brown sugar, and ginger flavor in it

very good burgers like that

I don't see alot of them tho, so I made a promise to myself and the man upstairs at my secret spot I'd never shoot another one as long as I live. this one was a smaller one too if not THE smallest one of the pack. the bigger ones were smarter and I couldn't get within 20' of them lol. if I was running my gun with it's full potential at 3+ 5/8" bands I'd of been able to land a larger one, well, I'd of been able to SHOOT a larger one not necessarily of landed it lol, these suckers are notorious for being pound of pound the strongest fish you'd find near shore. the owner of the 1st spearfishing shop in kona said so at least. and really you aren't gonna find any other shallow water fish this big imo. blue water fish come in, but they're considered big game fish, and still pound for pound it's probably only rivaled by Ahi aka yellowfin tuna.. pulled me under a few times while fighting it since it had plenty of energy left since I landed such a crap shot lol
good story behind that fish. I forgot my belt (weights and knife are on it) so I was almost hesitant to even get in the water but I wasn't about to drive back up the rocks to go home and get it lol. so I went anyway, and told my buddy it's my secret spot and guaranteed I'm gonna pop one within 5 minutes of getting in the water, he smiled and laughed. then upon getting in the water, including putting on my fins and cocking my gun, sure as sh*t I swim a little ways out as he's still getting ready drop down and pop it lol. then he comes along and I'm trying to fight it and dive down to retrieve it, all the while he's watching me swimming downward while staying at the same depth level, so after I'd get tired I'd float back up and tack breaths and try again the entire time holding the line and fighting the fish. I do repeat this process about 3 or 4 times each time my attempt to dive down gets shorter and shorter. so finally my buddy goes down to take a kill shot, swims down holding my line to get close to the fish, puts his gun just about to it's face, shoots and MISSES LOL, so he came back up for air, went back down and struggles to grab it (I'm on top outta air at this point and just holding the line so the fish doesn't leave with my gear) He brings it up and the sucker was fighting so hard his wound ripped so far the shaft fell out, just as he got a good hold on it. then brings it up, holds it and hands me his knife to brain it lol. I told him didn't matter and it was a joint effort so he could do the honors since I was so retarded I forgot my knife and belt at home lol.
he's my super good friend, we knew eachother since highschool like 12+ years ago before we were both married, I was his groomsman in his wedding, he was my only friend I invited to mine it was SUPER small. oh yeah, he rides a banshee and I sold him one of my LT80s for his daughter

so he's a 2 stroke guy, everyone here would like him alot, good guy! anyway, after that we swim around for HOURS trying to get him to land one, and just didn't work out... but I carry a huge gun so I have alot more range than he's got. and I couldn't of shot one with his gun either. he's a better diver but I use my weapon of choice to make up for my short comings lol. I can dive to about 30' and my gun can shoot about 28' so between the 2 of us we can manage to get the job done. I've dove to 40 almost 50 at my deepest dive but that was just down, look around and come back up. I suppose if I HAD TO, I could go deeper but I don't push myself outta my comfort zone when it comes to possible shallow water blackouts. even the pro free divers die from that... just talked about going yesterday, soon as his newest kid pops out I think we'll go

that and he doesn't wanna go riding either til after the newest addition so he doesn't miss it lol. we did a home birth with our last one, so they're using the same midwife and will be doing a home birth as well, both no meds and both V-back

yeah, we're country lol. alot of people were flipping out when we told them. anyway, going WAAAAAY OT here again

I love quad forums and how no one seems to mind when sh*t gets OT