oh yeah i forgot that i took those sh*ty ass dyno jets out once i did that and put the stock ones in bame it started right up no backfire nothing no smoke nothing coming out the tranny vent tube either the bike is bored was told .20 over has fmf fatty and fmf power core2 silencer vforce3 reeds. now i got all stock jets and i know im going to have to upgrade that to but will i be able to ride it like this with the stock jets?
unless you changed the pilot jet then that has no effect if you just changed the main jet that wouldnt help with idle.
.020 over bore does nothing for power its just to clean up what the last pistion damaged.
do not ride it like that unless you want to be replaceing the topend .
go to the dealer and get a 290 main down to a 260 start with the 290 if its to rich go down to the 280 if thats to rich go down to 270 so on and so forth