Balancer gear play


Warning : Contains Lead
Mar 26, 2010
I noticed some vibration coming from the bottom end of my Blasty so I took my covers off to investigate. Found two things loose, 1. Clutch basket asmbly (no spring washer behind the washer plate) 2. Balancer gear loose, not the nut. The gear has in & out play as well as a little side to side play on the carrier pins, (the pencil is pointing to one) because the retaining plate is loose. Is this a common problem with these gears or is it a problem at all? Seems like common sense that gears should be solid & not wiggle, (at least the ones I've seen). Any info would be great, & has anyone heard of or dealt with this before? Thanks. :-/
yeah im pretty sure it shouldnt move at all. i dont think anytype of blaster gear should have any play.
Just a little update, I got out the ol' peening hammer & peened the heads of the pins tight against the plate. Seems to have worked, I'll let ya all know if it does'nt hold up.