Bad Time To Stop Running.


New Member
Apr 18, 2011
I was out yesterday, was riding pritty hard. Beating thru puddles, Mudding a bunch, hitting jumps, giving it my all really. and all of a sudden im poiseing up to this jump, Third gear full out. All of a sudden, about 3"from the jump the bike just dies. Luckally the bike slows down enough i cost over the jump and stop on the other side...

Ive done all my checks, looked thru the threads in searchs, and it looks to me that my coil died. But as well as that there is a black ground terminal that is not connected to anything, but when i placed it on a ground to check. Still no restart.

Ive got lots of fuel, Lots of air, No watter in the carb. And when i took the plug out and left it attatched to the wires, i get a small shock, but the plug dosent seam to be sparking, even if i put brand new plugs in...

Anyone know where i can get a wiring diagram?
get that ground connected, is it the one near the coil ????
it will not run without that connected
then i'd check reeds next if that ground fails to help
really, reeds? Wouldnt that just cause a VERRY rough run not a stop dead all of a sudden?
Here is some electrical diagrams if your reeds are ok-








Go buy a manual or download the free one here it has all of this info in it!
Ok, so i changed out the coil. Still nothing.... Where exactally are the reeds? between carb and motor right?
i had this happen to me twice its jour reeds. pull the carb and stick your finger in the intake manifold and feel around. you should feel 4 pieces of plastic. if theres less, theres your problem. you can get stock replacements from vitos
naw its vforce 3 reed system with boysen flapper things lol.... will check them now then... sh*tty part is i wanted to ride this weekend :(
yeah its got the boysesen CF reeds in the Vforce3 carrier. And the reeds are mint. Look brand new... cleaned up a little bit of gunk off them, but still no run....

Whats next. A friend is saying its rings, But to be honest, im knocking off the cheap fixes first, and if thats a no go... Then im going to do a top end rebuild quick and getter back on the road.
hey everyone... ok so i went a pressure tested my bike, its solid at 30 psi and dosent drop. (cold) Spark IMO looks week BUT its a little hard to see when your kicking it at the same time right... but my carb is not releasing fuel. I disconnected the tors. Still nothing... Any other suggestions? im thinking a quick carb rebuild.
any ideas?
The tester is fine but its supposed to only be accurate at running temp. And its obv not at running temp if I cantl run it. And the plug is dry meaning no gas in the piston even after like 20 kicks. But what is compression supposed to be when cold kicked?
Boy this one is all over the place :o. Compression test: Fuel off, wide open throttle, kick until gauge stops moving (10-15 kicks). Do you have spark or not? Check ALL grounds, be sure they are clean (no rust etc) tight, check ALL connections and switches. Have you ohmed anything?

Carbs do not "shoot" fuel , air passing through carb draws it up from float bowl. Is your carb clean? Fuel petcock? Tank cap vent (you were "mudding") Air cleaner? I:I