06 blaster hard flip and got a annoying rattle now!!


New Member
May 27, 2020
ive tore it apart multiple times and cant find anything wrong besides alot of play in the shifter shaft which seems to hit the back of the clutch drum but when riding and hitting throttle i get a loud annoying rattle that seems to go with the throttle movement. for refrence the blaster was damn near brand new when i got it. clutch plates and basket all are in mint shape to me. it shifts great thru all gears and rides fine but the rattle to me seems like something will eventually go bad ‍♂️

forgot to mention i was doing about 30-35 when took a jump and landed wrong both me and the blaster did flips when we hit the ground. thats when i noticed this rattle.
I'm going with exhaust rattle too, that's exactly how I broke loose the cast iron baffle in my stock exhaust... cased a double jump on an mx track
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puttin it back together now gna check exhaust out... everything inside looks literally brand new so im losin my mind lmao
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puttin it back together now gna check exhaust out... everything inside looks literally brand new so im losin my mind lmao
Also check motor mounts and everything to make sure your ride is still safe after a hard impact. Bars good? Rubber side down i found doesn't hurt as much imo
Ok im thinking its something ill need to split the case for.
It seems as sometimes its hard to shift but other times im damn near poppin a wheelie goin into 2nd and even 3rd....this is pissin me off i just wanna ride
Ok im thinking its something ill need to split the case for.
It seems as sometimes its hard to shift but other times im damn near poppin a wheelie goin into 2nd and even 3rd....this is pissin me off i just wanna ride
You said shifter was moving around?is it tight on shaft. Bolt tight. Or is shifter and shaft moving together excessive. With clutch cover off did you check the springs on shift shaft. And shift star
ok figured out that when im riding if i pull on the shift lever the noise goes away so its only rattling when in gear and moving!!!

the springs and plates and basket are all a1! whats all connected on the other side when you split the case im assuming its something back there
ok figured out that when im riding if i pull on the shift lever the noise goes away so its only rattling when in gear and moving!!!

the springs and plates and basket are all a1! whats all connected on the other side when you split the case im assuming its something back there
Do you have a pic of shift shaft and star. Unless you bent or broke a shift fork?
Did you check shift star spring and arm. That is what positively locks it in each gear.
Which can be checked with clutch cover off.