ive tore it apart multiple times and cant find anything wrong besides alot of play in the shifter shaft which seems to hit the back of the clutch drum but when riding and hitting throttle i get a loud annoying rattle that seems to go with the throttle movement. for refrence the blaster was damn near brand new when i got it. clutch plates and basket all are in mint shape to me. it shifts great thru all gears and rides fine but the rattle to me seems like something will eventually go bad
forgot to mention i was doing about 30-35 when took a jump and landed wrong both me and the blaster did flips when we hit the ground. thats when i noticed this rattle.

forgot to mention i was doing about 30-35 when took a jump and landed wrong both me and the blaster did flips when we hit the ground. thats when i noticed this rattle.