back on a 2 stroke yamaha...

man ur neighbors have to think ur running an atv chop shop lol jk
but awesome score!

hahaha probably... since we have lived where were at now weve had..

88 warrior
84 200x
2 200 big reds
84 yammy tri moto 200
85 200x
82 250r
84 cr125r

had my buddys blaster here for a while
another buddys lt230

hahaha... my guess is they thing i runing a repair shop lol

pickin up the 300ex from the shop tommrow... and its going on craigslist
i thought you has a 84250r too
and what about your 250ex, the one that was bored to a 290cc

im talkin since i moved to the house were at now.... lol since 2 years ago..

85 200x
84 250r
90 trail boss
01 blaster
94 blaster
95 blaster
81 250r
90 indy 500
88 warrior
84 200x
85 200x
82 200br
83 200br
84 tri moto
82 250r

i thin kthat covers it
nice score man,but as for the trinity stage 4 2:1 carb kit...go for ittttttt...i love it on my shee,makes tuning SUPER EASY,which is the worst part of a shee...and the throttle responce is snappier. u wont regret it.