B.S. Rhino lawsuit

I clicked on the Rhino rollover and recall add just to see what its about. Its just some money hungry attorneys trying to collect on peoples stupidity. They claim its Yahamas fault that there a rollover hazard because they can go "fast" and are marketed for rugged terrain. So they want Yamaha to pay for medical bills and wrongfull death lawsuits because somebody did somthing stupid and hurt themselves. So let me get this right, if I get my 4x4 truck up to 75mph off road and whip the wheel sending me into a barrel roll Its Toyotas fault and they should pay my medical bills or likely my funeral costs. Because its a 4x4 and marketed for off road driving and its possible for me to do something stupid in it.=)) How about if I smack my thumb with my framing hammer and break it, can I sue Estwing claming "that hammer should have had a safety pad on the end of it"

just in case any of you were wondering where to send your E-mails asking the attorney heading up this suit why he's such a D-bag here it is fvincent@lchb.com
lol.... yeah did you hear about the lady that sued burger king because her son got fat from eating there every day????