No, i lost interest in your ridiculous, asinine, bullshit comments. I had to take a mental break from this thread because your ignorance i felt, was making me dumber, simply by reading it. Ive shared it with many people, who thought it was equally as mind-numbing as i do. Looks like a copy and paste job to me. And again, Grown ass men that don't understand sarcasm...mind blowing! Are you really that f*ckin slow that you HONESTLY believe i live in the Amazon? Based on the facts you've presented, i firmly feel that owning an atv in such an impoverished part of the world would be nearly immmpossible! Either that, or you've proven just how intelligent i am, over you, that i have indeed solved these problems in which you speak of, and have in fact, figured out a way for Amazonians to prosper and materialize their culture.