Awk08's freakin awsome brake setup!


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
pennsylvania, in da mountians
Ok guys i just bought awk package for $185 for rear hydros, there awsome, the damn things, ill tell ya they stop like no tomarrow, he is a awsome seller, friendly, and just amazing, also, is verying willing to take his time to explain things (thanks :D), if you ever need back brakes, dont buy any other setup, buy Awk08's setup!

here are his album of his setup:

LOOK AT THAT i mean, its amazing what this guy can do for and awsome price (and to probly save your ass) :D thanks SO much Awk08

Awk08 builds these him self, so if you want one send him a message, trust me he will respond!:D
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if i wouldn't have gotten all the OEM pieces (carrier caliper blah blah blah) already by the time he started doing this, i would've gotten one of those. if i build another bike i might get one
thanx for the props guys !
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