Auto Clutch


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Smithville, ON, Canada
is it possible to get an Auto Clutch for a Blaster? I find it to be a pain when having to drive slowly on a trail to have to navigate a clutch, especially when driving the edge of a 20ft cliff face (awesome trail) so is it possible to get an auto clutch like in a Honda Fourtrax 200 SE or any other manual quads with no hand operated clutch?

i hate to resurect a dead thread but has anyone moved foward with on of these in a blaster? im getting a beater blaster($300 stock) to let friends use and an autoclutch would make the learning curve alot lower, especially without an electric start
bro its dead for a reason which means no progress was made u can always fork over big bux and buy an airshifter
Theres always the hydraulic clutch option if your want something thats easier to pull in. The only automatic clutch conversion kit I can think of is the Rekluse. But its not available for the blaster.
I can see the advantage of an auto clutch, when negoitaing near a steep drop off.

You need just about all the concentration you can muster, just to keep the wheels in the right direction.

Having to work the clutch in these situations, just adds risk to a difficult situation.