at the hospital

that really blows i hope he gets better fast. if you look at the big picture it could have been worse it could have been on dirt and they would spend hours picken pebbles out of him like when i wiped. also when there young the tend to bounce better then us :p
good to hear fed....he should heal up pretty well. can't believe you've had to wait this long to get a bone set....
Ya I know right Brando .... He wasn't what they thought as a medical emergency so we had to 'take a number' and wait our turn!!! .............. Like I said this hospital is supposto be so great. And I think there a bunch of fks!!!!!!!!!!
i hate going to the ER for a sicks kid just to wait in a room for 4-5 hrs for them to tell you they cant do nothing and send ya home.....few hundred bones down the drain....
Good to hear that he is in recovery and dint need any pins or plates. He will heel up like it never happend.

As for ERs and Hospitals I think they all just suck!!!!!!! Make you wait for every and seem to never have a clue to what is wrong with you.
And when your kids get hurt around here they start to question you like you hurt your kid. I have had a couple trips to Social Services and cops showing up at the ER after my kids get hurt.

Hope he has a quick recovery and gets ready to get back and ride with dad.
Best of luck to you man. That's why I don't like trikes. My dad use to have one but my mom made him sell it.
as a father that sucks to hear i know the feeling ( something happens and we feel hopeless ) its not your fault.. hell it could of happened to anyone... or you alone.

note.. understood you have trikes and ride with your son alot i imagine... if it was me id stick to the 4 wheels.. just better balance and stability.. even though you ride more trikes then quads in sure... i think 4 wheels are just a lil more safer.... especially with passengers.

dont feel bad bro... it was a freak accident and could of happened to anyone at mentioned before... im sure he is just as tough as his old man is..he's pull through no problem.
In snow my 400ex is mOre unstable in deep snow and slush since its so wide. Sounds weird but ride a wide machine in deep snow and you will under stand.... He back in his room sleeping. Has a bright orange cast ... Ss soon as he eats. Drinks. And goes potty he can go home.......... Kids got it good here! Hd DVD player in the room... Ps3 in the rooms TV for the kids. TV in a corner by the parents bed for the parents. Phone in the room. A cafe. A deli and a cafiteria.... We went to the cafe and got lunch... I got a fresh made to order sandwich. French bread. Turkey Mayo Swiss sooooo good! Lol I. I can't wait tell little guy wakes up. I have his favorite cup. And his 2 favorite monster trucks with. And his favorite pretzles
poor wee fella hope he gets well soon, dont beat yourself up too much bro these things happen even though youl still wish it was your leg that got it. hope hes on the mend soon mate, all the best.;)