I'm not BSing go get some barsleak and run it ......the sh*t works and I'm taliking about a Lumina with the oil pan filled to the top with water ....drained it put in new oil ran bars and poof sealed ....then changed the oil 2 more times ......atleast gives you some time magic $35
I've seen that kind of stuff before but was not sure how well it worked. Seen some other head gasket repair stuff in theparts store that cost $62.
I'm not BSing go get some barsleak and run it ......the sh*t works and I'm taliking about a Lumina with the oil pan filled to the top with water ....drained it put in new oil ran bars and poof sealed ....then changed the oil 2 more times ......atleast gives you some time magic $35
trust me the sh*t works ...it lasted a whole winter then summer came around and started getting water again in the oil repeated the same process sealed again