Arc welding


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Smithville, ON, Canada
So, I've always used a TIG welder, and an acetylene gas torch, not very often, but its the only one I have experience with, and I just bought a Flux Core Arc welder, so does anyone with experience with these contraptions have any tips? I don't think its much different, but my dad says its all in how you use it, and that it's easier than using TIG (stick).

I'm considering offering some services on this forum to build custom parts for people's ATVs and bikes.
Flux core is a mig welder unless you have some new rods I have not heard about. Mig is an easy way to weld. Any body can lay a bead with it. You just have to make sure you have good penatration in the pieces you are welding. Do the half moon pattern with your bead and you should do ok. ((((((((((((((((
Flux core is a mig welder unless you have some new rods I have not heard about. Mig is an easy way to weld. Any body can lay a bead with it. You just have to make sure you have good penatration in the pieces you are welding. Do the half moon pattern with your bead and you should do ok. ((((((((((((((((

Agree, easy to do, also whatch your heat, very easy to burn sh*t up, in my experience. I prefer MIG with gas instead of flux , less mess. I use the same pattern as above you can even make those half moons- circles to start until ya get the half down. Just make sure if you stop welding for what ever reason,to clean all the flux off of the weld completely before you start again, to avoid pits and weak points!I:I
I personally preferred stick welding back when I was in high school because thats what I was taught on but now that I do a lot of welding with the MIG, I can still say I prefer stick.
Alright. I'll give it a try today. And I could have sworn TIG and stick welders are the same thing, or TIG is the method and stick is the actual machine.

nope totally different, you can pay up to $800+ for a tig welder, they can be used to weld almost any metal, infact i have seen pics of coke cans welded together (i will try to find the pics). As for arc/stick welders they are only really ment for mild steel, more of a "farmers welder" than a one you would use on a project.

We picked up an arc welder for free a while back, but its one of the cheapest you can get, dosent start well and is as temperamental as a woman, most of the times if you threat it well you get nice beads, but then it can spit out sh*t.
Then we decided to go and buy an oil cooled arc welder, payed 400+ for it. Starts with ease, lays excellent beads, and has great control, one of the best welders i have ever used.

Im not a fan of mig, simply because i dont like the idea of a wire feed..

2good4u- did you have an arc welder of a tig then?
you can use an arc welder as a power source and get a tig rig to hook up to it.

but by the time you buy the extra stuff to do that, you're on your way to getting a real tig.
thanks for all the comments & help.

I just got it together and it was like an explosion of slag when I touched the steel, so it's too hot, I'll adjust that. If I offered to make custom parts for people's Blasters on here, would the idea go anywhere?
I'm sure you'd get a few bites, but shipping is gonna kill ya! Ya may be better off keeping it local. JMO- Now make yourself a bumper and lets see how good you are!!!