April fools day


Sep 15, 2008
What are your plans?

Ive got a sh*tstorm coming for my RA. Ill provide details when everything is ready to go. If all goes well, pics too
Alright well i can speak on one prank we have lined up now. we are gonna take all his stuff from his room and either hide it around the building or stuff it in the bike room on the floor. We will take all the lounge (common area) furniture and shove it in his room, then we have Giant bags of packing peanuts (a friend of mine works in shipping in some company) and we will fill any remaining space with them. It should be good.
We were going to use a needle to inject liquid laxatives into a juice box and give it to this douchebag I know. He'll think its a fart til he ruins a good pair of pants.

More so because hes an ass than to share a laugh, but it will be hilarious for the rest of us.
Pour some oil under someones car, or their Quad. Say hey nice ride but whats it leaking?