any snus users???


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
so i have been smoke free for over a week now.. but i have another guilty pleasure.. snus.... not that crap camel has out ether.. all though im guilty of using it untell now since i found a place locally that sells the good stuff!!

ffrom general snus in sweden.. the swedish have has snus since the 1800s there stuff is soo much better quality than camels stuff.. and cheaper a can of 24 is under $4 where a can of camel is 16 for almost 7 bucks, and the swedish stuff lasts a hour or more.

soo needless to say i enjoy it and im saving money lol...

i bought a can of there wintergreen and also got a free sample pack... there website has a thing you can fill out if your of age to recieve a free sampler pack, i recommend getting the sampler and trying it if your into chew or snus or even if your a smoker looking to cut back

General ® Snus | The Original Swedish Snus ™ by Swedish Match ©
lol.. guess id rather be missin a lip than dead from lung cancer lol

not trying to turn this into a chew kills smoking kills or what ever its bad for you thread we know this.. but just showing tobbaco users a new option
yea snus is a pouch thats u can swallow the spit safley, so like 4cfed said its spitless...u can spit it if u want though
i been doing some research on it... and snus is 98% safer than smoking, the nicotin isnt what causes problems its the smoke.. and chemicals in the smoke... made from fine tobbaco, water and salt, if your of age check out the video on there site.. very good info
good info for us "deathwishers", i've been doing the camel "free sample" snus, while stiing in my treestand, instead of a ciggie, gonna try the swede's
definatly pick up the swedish snus.. iv had the same one in my lip for almost 2 hours and still have flavor...

after investigating the sample pack i got from the tobacco store today...... i like the mint one. mild but nice flavor, the original portoin is kinda gross to me, im not a big fan of natural tobacco taste but for someone that chews natural or classis or copenhagen thats the one for you same with white portion, not as strong flavor but once again its not my thing, now the wintergreen.. love it!!! i havent even touched the wintergreen sample due to me buying a can of the wintergreen portion... i love it......
the taste is a smoother taste than wintergreen chew, not sweet and 'manufactured' flavor like chew.. so A+ on the 'white portion wintergreen'

and even better.. the sample pack came with a $2.00 off coupon for the store i got them at so the next can i get will only cost less than $2
I smoked for 20 years and SNUS let me quit for several months now.
Bein I live by myself I smoked in my house, in bed, on the sh*tter- it was def a part of my life and hard to stop the habit.
I love the snus actually and it just might have saved my life.
My girlfriend loves that I don't smoke now although sometime I forget I have a pouch in which has been embarrassing like in a restaurant.
I did some research into it as well and it does seem to be ALMOST completely safe.
Hells I'm always pouchin now lol
Great thread 4cfed!
I'll have to look into the 'real stuff' right now I do the Camel thing.