so i have been smoke free for over a week now.. but i have another guilty pleasure.. snus.... not that crap camel has out ether.. all though im guilty of using it untell now since i found a place locally that sells the good stuff!!
ffrom general snus in sweden.. the swedish have has snus since the 1800s there stuff is soo much better quality than camels stuff.. and cheaper a can of 24 is under $4 where a can of camel is 16 for almost 7 bucks, and the swedish stuff lasts a hour or more.
soo needless to say i enjoy it and im saving money lol...
i bought a can of there wintergreen and also got a free sample pack... there website has a thing you can fill out if your of age to recieve a free sampler pack, i recommend getting the sampler and trying it if your into chew or snus or even if your a smoker looking to cut back
General ® Snus | The Original Swedish Snus ™ by Swedish Match ©
ffrom general snus in sweden.. the swedish have has snus since the 1800s there stuff is soo much better quality than camels stuff.. and cheaper a can of 24 is under $4 where a can of camel is 16 for almost 7 bucks, and the swedish stuff lasts a hour or more.
soo needless to say i enjoy it and im saving money lol...
i bought a can of there wintergreen and also got a free sample pack... there website has a thing you can fill out if your of age to recieve a free sampler pack, i recommend getting the sampler and trying it if your into chew or snus or even if your a smoker looking to cut back
General ® Snus | The Original Swedish Snus ™ by Swedish Match ©