yea just wondering if anyone plays hockey on here i do and just wanted to ask sumone about wheels for roller hockey thanks =D
Yeah, I played roller for quite a while. whats up?
hmmmm thought we were talking real hockey here...... lol joking.... sorta
Im with whitty... thats not hockey.... same with ball hockey... i think both those games are you people who werent tough enough to play lacrosse.. but thats just the hardcore canadian in me....
Now real hockey...that some weak people refer to as ice hockey cause they are lame is another story.... ive been playing that for years and years... from arenas, to outdoor rinks, to my backyard rink... right down to the frozen little lake in the middle of my town... that sh*t is legendary... and must be taken seriously.... which is why i havent commented in whittys canadian role call thread cause im still pissed from the other night..
i used to play ice but lately my dad has been outa work soo i cant expect them to lay out hundreds for ice hockey when it only cost 120 to play roller nd i play baseball the sport tht actually means u have to try out and its very competitive for spots unlike lax