Another Starting Problem...


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
South-Central, MO
Alright, in the last part of December I rode to a buddy's house, everything was fine. That night I was getting ready to ride home and I had trouble starting it. It finally started and I took off toward the house. About 400 yards from the house it just died. I tried everything I could think sitting in the middle of the road but nothing happened. I pushed it home and let it sit until tonight. It's getting fuel and a spark and it has compression but I just cant get it to start even in my 60 degree garage... Any ideas or things to check?
Alright, in the last part of December I rode to a buddy's house, everything was fine. That night I was getting ready to ride home and I had trouble starting it. It finally started and I took off toward the house. About 400 yards from the house it just died. I tried everything I could think sitting in the middle of the road but nothing happened. I pushed it home and let it sit until tonight. It's getting fuel and a spark and it has compression but I just cant get it to start even in my 60 degree garage... Any ideas or things to check?

check the coil the spark might not be hot enough to fire it also check the 2 chassis grounds and make sure there tight and have a good connection
did you try a brand new plug ????
then check the reeds and while you have the carb off, give it a good cleaning, as in pull it all apart, jets, floats, everything, clean with carb cleaner and blow out with a compressor,
also, i'd use new gaskets when re-assembling the intake/reed cage

if this or the electrical 442 mentioned above doesnt work, we'll move on to removing the tors, and a real compression and leakdown test
u need to rule out the ignition system, that will rule out if u have a bad cdi, which is the brain for ur bike, so u can check the coil, stator, spark plug, and if u rule it all out your brain for ur bike went dead.
broken reeds, could be something as simple as ur plug boot.

but questions to answer- tors removed etc, what has been done to the bike
It was getting enough spark to shock me when I was holding the plug in the boot. But I did follow one of the Tors guides on here and it is off. The bike had just been rebuilt in early December and had fresh new boyeson reeds in it and a new ngk plug. As for the carb, my dad took it apart and cleaned it real well (he's worked on 2-stroke boat motors his whole life, if that means anything in this case).
Where are those two grounds at?
Thanks in advance guys =)
the ground for the ignition is where the coil bolts on to the frame above the carb, the lighting one is at the volt regulator under the hood.
but, just because it had a new plug in before doesn't mean squat,
a plug can foul in minutes, put a brand new plug in it !!!!!
and report back
make sure ur getting fuel to the motor, debris can sometimes slip through from the fuel petcock to the carb, pull of the fuel line or take the carb off and and pull the bottom of it off and take a pin(small one and poke it in the inlet.the inlet for the carb could be plugged.
a local auto store should have the b8es you need ????
worth a try
The gas was about a week and a half old when it died

And I'll check to see if O'Reilly or Autozone is open tomorrow if I can get to town, I just heard we're supposed to get 3+ inches of snow where i'm at and my 2wd s10 doesn't like that :o
It was only a fouled plug... Whoot! I:I
So I'm just gonna pick a new spare up. Thanks for the help guys!

Later this week I'm going to tear the rear end apart and order some new bearings. Have any of you put a grease zerk in your carriers?