And this is why having nerf bars and heel guards would come in handy

Damn. I dislocated my patella once and it went back in after a few minutes. Let me tell you that it never has felt right after that again and i always worry about it going out again. That was some major pain and very weird not being able to move my leg.
That sucks! Hope ya feel better and get back to riding. I keep telling some of the youngsters were we ride to get at least boots on! They ride in sneakers! my kids aren't allowed on thier quads with out a helmet, boots, and a phone to call for help.
That sucks! Hope ya feel better and get back to riding. I keep telling some of the youngsters were we ride to get at least boots on! They ride in sneakers! my kids aren't allowed on thier quads with out a helmet, boots, and a phone to call for help.

I agree. I think it woulda been alot worse if i was wearing shoes! I was wearing Icon field Armor boots.. I literally felt my foot like crumble like taking you hand and squeezing your pinky knuckle and index figure's knuckle together yor hand folds on it self. Thats what my foot felt like.. and then the internal bleeding in the leg.. which this morning felt weird its like having a water balloon under your skin.
Damn. I dislocated my patella once and it went back in after a few minutes. Let me tell you that it never has felt right after that again and i always worry about it going out again. That was some major pain and very weird not being able to move my leg.

Yea i can understand the relocated joint now ..they suck.. and yes imma have the worry in the back of my mind for now on. No matter having the nerf bars and heel guards im still gonna be conscious about it..
I've got 2 stories of when better protective gear would have helped.
One was I was riding my YZ250F at an event called Rumble on the Ridge. I was coming around a corner about 3rd or so and then the bike disappeared beneath me. I went down in a cloud of dust and came down hard on my forearm. It was sore as hell but I dragged the bike off the trail and sat there for a while and watched my arm swell. Since then I've invested in a padded jersey for the bike.
The other was on the wolverine 450 (read underpowered sport utility). I was at a race at the Big Game race property (CRA series) I'm a really slow rider on the ute simply because its a lot of quad to move around and it is on 27' mud tires that get no lateral traction. I was dead last (I'm racing against a bunch of 400's and 450's with a pair of big bore utilities thrown in) as I come up to this hill, I see spectators at the top, the other 2 utes at the bottom and my chance to take my class for the race. I said to myself "pin it to win it" punched it and made it about 10ft up when I realized I was in DEEEEEEEP ****. This hill was steeper than it looked and Im riding a 600lb brick. I make it about half way up before I lose power. I lock all 4 brakes and slowly begin sliding back (not voluntarily). I tap the gas a little to slow the slide. Instead it decides its time for traction, rears up and tosses me. If any of you have read timsyfz's sig, you know what's coming next. I know that I'm about 10ft downhill from my now rolling quad so I ball up and face towards the bottom of the hill. I hear it hit once then it lands on me. I think I caught the rear end of the quad because it was pretty solid. I felt my entire body compress (kinda like how hondaruss described running over his foot) quad keeps on tumbling down the hill, almost takes out a spectator. I was laying on the hill and no more than 10 sec after that quad landed on me, I was surrounded by help. I ended up finishing out the race in like 5th from last. Ended up with a bruised rib all because I didn't want to wear a hard shell chest protector
been there done that, stupid hurts, its always better to listen and learn from others that have done it. My leg looked a hell of alot worse than yours after I ran myself over, but I didn't have all the interal bleeding and joint dislocations.