Almost went 'postal'


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Philly PA
I ordered a clutch cable off of Ebay on Tuesday for the Blaster. I spent a few extra bucks to deal with a guy who had not only 100% positive feedback, but was also close by and seemed to ship items out fairly quickly.
Well, I clicked the buy it now and paid for the cable all within 5 minutes. Hours later I recieved an email saying it was shipped and I was supplied a tracking number. I'm all jazzed up to get that cable on so I can ride this thing, and so I've been tracking it's every step fron Ohio to PA. Well it said online that the cable was on time to be delivered today. After 6pm and no cable, I decided to check the website to see what was up. It stated that the package was delivered at 4:06pm???????? WTF???? X( I checked everywhere and found nothing. I went around the neighborhood seeing if it was delivered to someone else by mistake...... NOTHING! X( I called the 800# and they said they would check into it and get back to me in 3-4 days!!!!! X( it made it from Ohio to PA in 1 day, and it's going to take 3 x's longer to see what happened? X( Needless to say my day was ruined and the Blaster would have to wait untill another time. X(
5 minutes ago, a guy knocked at my door with a package in his hand that was delivered to him, a few blocks away. It was my cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alls well that ends well! I:I :)
wow man crazy day i guess haha, how did whoever delivered it manage to make that big of a mistake is what i want to know
id try to report the mail man or who ever delivered. what if it was something important that got delivered to someone elses house. Oh wait it was important. LOL
At Least your neighbor was honest. That cable would have never made it to me in you situation lol People are dirty ! Glad all ended well :D Get the cable on yet???
i almost went postal once also, was on unemployment, so you know i really needed my check, after like 4 days after the normal delivery date, still no check, called down the local post office, they said they'd look into it, 3 days later he called and said he found it in a box marked "undeliverable", i've used this address for over 30 years!!!
i went bezerk, threatened him to come down there and see if he had an employee that knew and didnt like me, well he started talkin "federal charges" and sh*t, so i cooled down, but havent had any troubles since,
My wife got a $350 braclet and UPS put the box in a plastic bag and hung it up in a tree at the end of my driveway.Now my driveway is about an 1/ 8 mile long.anybody driving by could have seen it and taken it.