almost there...but not quite


New Member
Jul 14, 2009
I recently rebuilt the topend on my 1999 Blaster and tore out the TORS unit and replaced it with an idle kit. I have good idle now after removing the TORS. I am trying to break in my motor/rings. When I first start the machine and give it some throttle it seems to vary in rpms correctly. However if I hold throttle in for about a minute at even a 1/4 it bogs down and evens out. It has a 300 main 32.5 pilot , and I moved the needle clip from the 2nd to 3rd position down from the top of the needle because I was advised to do so since I have modded the quad. I am thinking the main is too rich but it seems to be in all the throttle positions. The plug isnt fouled...yet. Any ideas??
here is a list of my mods:
30 over bore cylinder head with 66.75 mm wiseco
K&N air filter
Boyesen Power reeds
oil blockoff
Tors Removed
FMF fatty and power core silencer
Also, when can I use chat
put the needle in the middle groove and drop just the main. 300 seems a little big for the mods that you've got