All time favorite movie

All of the bourne movies
All of the rocky and rambo movies
old school
lethal weapon
longest yard
sweet man...i didnt want to be the first to mention rambo lol......BTW the new rambo kicks azz, 5x as bloody and brutal as the first 3 put togetherI:I

Is that why you didn't mention, brokeback mountain? You didn't want to be the first to mention it?
I didn't know they came out with another one. Definately gonna have to see it!
lmfao Brokeback Mountain , maybe Queef Ledger was so upset that it was only a movie and he'd never get to be with Jake Gagnswallow , thats why he did himself in !!!!!! just nasty .......
Is that why you didn't mention, brokeback mountain? You didn't want to be the first to mention it?
I didn't know they came out with another one. Definately gonna have to see it!

LMAO.....245strokedback blaster......sounds better to me fool, lol

the new rambo isnt really new, mabe 2 yrs old

first blood
first blood part II
rambo III
rambo<<<<<new 1 lol
I forgot to mention Die Hard , damn classis right there , and gone in sixty seconds ( Nic Cage ) " I am a Bad Man " " If Tobey's unfortunate wounding , has in some way enligtened the rest of us to the grim finish below the glossy veneer of the criminal lifestyle , and inspired you to change your ways , then his wounds carry with him a supreme glory , you say poor Tobey , I say poor us!!!"
yes, gran tornio, step brothers, and rambo the new one, i saw that in theaters and it was SICK, meaning awesome, it was a rush just watch it! but u no the scenes when he is hauling ass running through the woods, do yall think he was seriously running that fast sense he was like 60 sum years old when that was made,,,,,ahah