well start with the wheeler, bought a new clutch and went to install it lastnight.. turned into a 5 hour job!! hour and a half just to get the kicker cover and side covers off!!
NOwrnech or socket marks on the bolts, or marks on the case from prying covers off, no marks on the clutch bolts or clutch basket hub nut!!!! so.. possible.. 25 years on the oem clutch???
NEXT.. needed help on the clutch so i went to get online and get help at 3 wheeler world... computer self imploded!!!! tryed to reboot, and it went into hibornation and wouldnt come back on!!!!!...
so today i pick up my moms spare computer bring it home hook it up.. and my freakin keyboard dont work!!!! sooo i fly to best buy, cheapest keyboard was 26 bucks.. eh!!!
computer is wayyy faster than mine was.. mine had 256 ram this one is all custom built and has 476? ram.. blaster forum is fast as sh*t on this computer!!!! she might not get it back hahahaha!!! she paid $400 just for the tower..
so here i am.. pissed off wife crabbby daughter and a roudy 3 year old..
still got to go back to the garage and finish up the wheeler, put brake pedal back on, add new oil, put foot peg back on.
NOwrnech or socket marks on the bolts, or marks on the case from prying covers off, no marks on the clutch bolts or clutch basket hub nut!!!! so.. possible.. 25 years on the oem clutch???
NEXT.. needed help on the clutch so i went to get online and get help at 3 wheeler world... computer self imploded!!!! tryed to reboot, and it went into hibornation and wouldnt come back on!!!!!...
so today i pick up my moms spare computer bring it home hook it up.. and my freakin keyboard dont work!!!! sooo i fly to best buy, cheapest keyboard was 26 bucks.. eh!!!
computer is wayyy faster than mine was.. mine had 256 ram this one is all custom built and has 476? ram.. blaster forum is fast as sh*t on this computer!!!! she might not get it back hahahaha!!! she paid $400 just for the tower..
so here i am.. pissed off wife crabbby daughter and a roudy 3 year old..
still got to go back to the garage and finish up the wheeler, put brake pedal back on, add new oil, put foot peg back on.