air scoops

Nice idea Like the clear alot!

Hear are measurements from my sons blasty rightbend pipe! Hope it helps!





Are these for power gains, or why do you guys want air scoops?

I think it would be more beneficial to wrap the pipe. Less radiant heat to the engine and more heat in the exhaust = better scavenging. :)
oh dear..there goes slick with his tape he is going to make you feel enternally bad if you dont make one from his input...dont I know it...yes getting thing at a time :)
Are these for power gains, or why do you guys want air scoops?

I think it would be more beneficial to wrap the pipe. Less radiant heat to the engine and more heat in the exhaust = better scavenging. :)

blasters are air cooled...hence the more air you can scoop ontop of the cooling fins of the motor the better the motor cools. pretty obvious to me?

by the way, looking good there liftedf250, i like to see you are actually testing these things to make them functional and not just a show piece. i may be interested at some stage, student budgets dont often allow for imported goods!!
Slickerthanyou can you send a side profile shot. I think they might be to close for a right bend pipe but dont know. Also a straight on front shot. They might work but with some trimming.
oh dear..there goes slick with his tape he is going to make you feel enternally bad if you dont make one from his input...dont I know it...yes getting thing at a time :)

A bass ass swinger is waaaay more important in my book!

Slickerthanyou can you send a side profile shot. I think they might be to close for a right bend pipe but dont know. Also a straight on front shot. They might work but with some trimming.

Coming right up!
Slickerthanyou can you send a side profile shot. I think they might be to close for a right bend pipe but dont know. Also a straight on front shot. They might work but with some trimming.

I think these should do, If not I guess i'll take new ones! This is when she was purdy!:D

SIDE shot-



FRONT shot-

Yes these would work with fenders on. They bolt with top fender bolt and to top a arm bolt.
I have never owned a trailer queen except for the ex wife and her banshee I paid for her and built the banshee. I build for function.
id like to see what they look like i was gonna get a set of aluminum holograms from project blaster but they discontinued them