where the hell is that? I wanna go!!
Cool pictures, wish there was stuff like that around here......
yeah i've driven to white sulfer springs WV before.
That's not to far from us..
looks like your having a good time
and i can tell you're in the appalachian mountians, those pics could have been taken here it looks so similar
yeah man that shnit is in the stix. lol
Pretty cool pics, looks like alotta fun!
You don't even know.. It took us 3 hrs to find a signal and 2 to find a gas station.. Lol and I had to ride on a fouled plug all week because I fouled it the second day and there isn't a single b8es plug in the whole state!
lmfao. the price we pay to get to a place that awesome. lol
I had a police helicopter following me around at my local riding spot the other day. lol