99 blaster died!!



ok heres the deal... went out ridin on a cool day lets say high 40s.. gave it plenty of rest and all that jazz... well on the way back to camp the thing died.. sounded like it flooded out or smthin. i figured what the hell.. so i kicked it and it started right back up no problems... idled great was maybe a little sluggsih on the top side.. this happened 3 or so times. the last time it wouldnt start at all... i kicked and kicked but nothin. got home and replaced the plug. checked the timing. it's got good spark. THE TOP END WAS JUST REDONE!! i have maybe 8 hours on it. I cleaned the carb.. got it to the house and kicked it over. wouldnt start just backfire.
the engine was rebuilt at the local yamaha shop and ive ridden it pretty easy... idk wat the hell is goin on with this thing. compression feels good. any help would be awesome... spanx

Join the club!! You like the third person in two days. With the backfire I think electrical issue and my ignition coil/wire is giving some wierd readings so when I get another I'll let you know if that helped.

any help would be awesome.. if i can fix it myself and save a raping from the dealer id be in good shape.. i mean this thing wouldnt even begin to start... i put gas straight in the engine and everything... just backfire.. all the grounds etc.. seem to be good and tight so idk... ima bout to just burn the damn thing
deff check your reeds sound like it could very well be your problem
mebey you have a bad jet or in need of a new filter does it sound like its not getting any fuel or air
ok one more question.. wats the tors?? and i checked the jet and it's free of debris... i just cleaned the filter a few rides ago and it appears ok...
Place some carburetor cleaner or gas into the carb and try to start it. Does it still start or just backfire? The timing might have slipped too...
ok fellas heres the deal.... i said f*CK IT! I went and bought a yfz 450. but thanks for the help.
Your flywheel key sheared and threw off the timing and caused the backfiring.